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“God’s Got This!”Discover Life Mission Trip 2024 to Kenya

Sometimes God can answer two prayer requests during one event, and He also will include bonus miracles. That happened from March 20 to April 2 during the mission trip of the Discover Life church in Sonora to Kimogoro Adventist School (KAS) in Kenya. The school in Kenya was praying for block walls to be built for a girls’ dormitory, and at the same time a group of 46 individuals (21 adults and 25 students) in Sonora were asking God to bless their plans to serve.


Inspired by past service events in her own life, Jennifer Neufeld-Trujillo, an Adventist Health Sonora pediatrician, wanted to share how transformative it is to go on a mission trip. Starting in July of last year, the planning began for this Maranatha Volunteer International project. Many volunteers began to raise the funds and needed supplies. Also as a participant, Principal Amy Miller worked with the teachers at Mother Lode Adventist Junior Academy (MLAJA) to make arrangements for those going from the school. Associate Pastor Tyson Kahler and his wife, Marielle, helped organize andpromote the trip, and then became the leaders of the VBS while in Kenya. Jennifer’s husband, Tim, agreed to be the construction manager.


In spite of the challenges of the long flight, the daily journey over bumpy and muddy roads to and from the site, adjustments to unfamiliar circumstances, and monsoon downpours, the less-than-experienced construction team still accomplished miracles during their six work days. Not only were the block walls built by the fourth day, theteam also installed the windows, doors, and the roof to complete the construction of the dormitory. They were able to install the 96 bunk beds, plus the mattresses and bedding that the group had purchased for the girls. They even came close to finishing the block walls for the separate restroom building. In addition, the three Adventist Health Sonora physicians on the trip, assisted by some students, held an impromptu pediatric medical clinic and cared for over 75 children. The group also distributed classroom supplies, leftover medical supplies, and a surprise Beanie Baby for each schoolchild.


The miracles extended beyond the construction as those in the group from Sonora personally experienced how much God cares. Included in all the blessings was thebaptism on the final Sabbath of two brothers who attend MLAJA. Here are only a fewtestimonies from participants that demonstrate their gratitude for the many transformative encounters received during the trip:

• “To God be the glory! During a student-led worship this morning, one ninth-graderadmitted he was so exhausted but kept working because of the power God was giving him. Thank you, Jesus, for supplying us with strength.” —a leader

• “I never thought my 13-year-old daughter would take me to Kenya! Meeting all the team members, watching her work, and seeing the children here in Kenya will impact me for the rest of my life.” —a dad

• “I don’t want to talk about leaving!” —a fifth-grader 

• “Kenya was never on my bucket list, but it was on God’s bucket list for me.” —a dad

• “I love this! It is just so awesome! I wanted to be a nurse, and now I know I want to go into health care.” —a ninth-grader, while helping at the medical clinic

• “This is way better than going on a cruise!” —a 10th-grader

It is not surprising that Principal Shadrach of KAS would say, “You are highly welcome to come again! In the future, I hope to see you coming through our gates again!” As one leader explained, “This was a journey of growth with those who love and share the love of Jesus with others.” And another added, “Not one complaint! Only smiles, excitement, fascination, and joy. Having seen the miracles, I know God’s got this!”


More than likely each person on this trip of a lifetime could resonate with how they could now sing, 

You can depend on God

It matters not where you’re bound,

I’ll shout it from the mountaintop [here in Sonora],

PRAISE GOD! I want my world to know 

The Lord of love has come to me

I want to pass it on.”


Discover Life Communication Staff


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