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Prayer Ministries



Prayer is a significant part of everything that happens in the Central California Conference. Each committee, retreat, meeting, and presentation begins with a season of prayer seeking God’s wisdom and insight.


Prayer Ministries includes hundreds of volunteer prayer partners who assist with the many events throughout the year. Every Wednesday, prayer partners gather to lift up the needs of the conference, departments, and office personnel. Every pastor and principal is lifted up by name, along with every Central church and school.


The prayer request list is updated each week and a prayer email is periodically sent to almost 450 prayer warriors. In addition, two prayer conferences are held each year, during which pastors and church leaders gather for training and inspiration; weekend prayer events are presented at churches throughout Central; and an annual pre-camp meeting prayer walk is organized to bathe the camp meeting experience in prayer.


Thank you for praying for the needs of the conference and its leaders. You are invited to join the prayer partners each Wednesday from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the conference office, or stop in with your prayer request.


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