We're thrilled to announce this year's CCC Pastors and Elders Retreat!
General Schedule for the Weekend
Ministerial Spouses will meet Saturday night, 7-8 PM and Sunday morning, 9-10:30 AM - both include workouts!
Special Programming Available for PK Children and Youth:
Beginner / Kindergarten ages 3-5,
Primary / Juniors ages 6-12
Teens / Youth ages 13-18 - Turn in 2 sealed letters from home at registration - 1 from mom and 1 from dad
Maps and Locations
Mount Hermon Christian Camps & Conference Center - 37 Conference Drive Felton, CA 95018
Check-in: Follow the A-Frame Sandwich Sign Boards, once you get closer to the retreat. They will direct you to the registration (go to the "Welcome Center" located at D-4 on the map)
Weather (as of Friday, February 2):
Fri 09 - Cloudy 55° High /36° Low
Sat 10 - Partly Cloudy 55° High /40° Low
Sun 11 - Mostly Sunny 60° High /37° Low
Attire: Dress for the cold weather!
Think comfortable and casual: raincoats, jeans, t-shirts, cardigans, sweaters, rain boots, boots, jackets, hiking shoes/boots, sneakers
NOTE: Suits, ties, and dresses are not required for the Sabbath!
Khakis or jeans
Shorts (if you plan to join the work outs and the Saturday night open gym, you may want to pack these)
Plain t-shirts, polo shirts, turtlenecks
Casual button-down blouse (for women)
Casual button-down shirt (for men)
Sweaters, scarfs, beanies, mittens
Loafers, sandals (especially for lay leaders, church plant leaders, head elders who are in dormitories which will have shared restrooms and showers)
What to pack:
Bring Your Bibles
for those with PKs ages 6-12: bring their own Bibles, a notebook and pencil and pen
for those with PK teens 13-18, have them bring their own Bibles, shoes for outdoor walking trails and sports, warm clothes for outdoor activities
Comfortable clothes during sessions, work out clothes for trails and the open gym
Personal hygiene items
Refillable water bottles
Flashlight / headlamp - the retreat center is surrounded by Redwood trees and can become relatively dark after sundown
Allergy medicines - if you have any tree allergies--please be prepared;
Epipens if you have any
What's NEW this year at the Pastors and Elders Retreat?
Welcome the Executive Committee Members, Elders, Lay Leaders, Church Plant Leaders, F5 volunteers, children's division programming staff, and many more!
The Adventist Book Center (ABC) will be joining us! Want to buy something from the ABC? You can send your request to them before they come... just email abcsales@cccsda.org before the close of business on Tuesday, February 6th.
