25,000 Copies of The Great Controversy Distributed in Preparation for Hope Now
The lead-up to the Hope Now evangelistic series, which took place Sept. 6-14, involved all kinds of outreach to the communities in the Central California Conference. This included door-to-door distribution of The Great Controversy and other print materials in San Francisco, which was led by about 100 volunteers from Streams of Light International working for 10 days.
San Francisco is especially challenging for door-to-door distribution because it is made up of many gated communities and apartment complexes. But this did not discourage the Streams of Light International volunteers. They were able to distribute invitations to the Hope Now series—along with The Great Controversy—to 25,000 homes in the San Francisco community. They were allowed into many of the closed communities because they were simply bringing a gift, which gave them the ability to access hundreds of homes at once.
The literature given out was a copy of a health magazine addressing stress, anxiety and depression. On the other side was a copy of The Great Controversy with a QR code to access a video of each chapter. “People can scan the QR code and watch a video, a five-minute summary for the chapter, or listen to it in audio. That was delivered along with an invitation to the evangelistic series in the evening,” explained Oleg Lotca, president of Streams of Light International.
The mission trip led to many more people coming to the Hope Now series, led by General Conference president Ted Wilson. One person who was brought to the meetings because of this outreach was Yvette Corkrean, a candidate for the California State Senate. “Yvette came to the meeting and she was deeply touched, she was in tears afterward saying she had never heard a message like this. It was pretty amazing,” said Lotca.
The Streams of Light International program encourages people to reach out and connect with their communities. It even offers resources that can be used to help people become involved in door-to-door evangelism, including ready-made maps and training videos. Find these and more resources at www.streamsoflight.net.
