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From Online Search to Baptism: Teresa’s Journey to Faith

Updated: Dec 5, 2024

On Sabbath, Nov. 23, 2024, Teresa La Spada walked into the Patterson Seventh-day Adventist Church for the first time. After greeting Pastor Marlon Lamand, she explained that she had spent the past two years studying and completing the Amazing Facts Bible study guides. She told him she was ready to be baptized.

Teresa said she discovered the church online and decided to attend. Living in Gustine, she knew Sacramento—home to Doug Batchelor’s church—was too far to travel each week.

Pastor Lamand said he would be baptizing at the Parkwood Seventh-day Adventist Church the following Sabbath and offered to include Teresa in the service. That way, she could officially join the Patterson congregation.

Last Sabbath, he had the privilege of baptizing Teresa into Jesus. Now, she’s part of the Patterson church family.

For context, Pastor Lamand has been assisting Parkwood with baptisms due to a pastoral vacancy.

What a blessing to witness this miracle! Teresa came to the church on Nov. 23, and by Nov. 30, she had taken this significant step of faith.

Story sent in by Pastor Marlon Lamand


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